Saturday, April 30, 2011


crazy us :p
Today the 30th of April i was so so so HAPPY! I spend all the day with my lovely friends! I was exhausted but very happy! Firstly, jejen went to my home then we wait for dodut and bimo to pick us up. After they pick us up, we went to Pacific Place. When we were otw to PP, we do lot of crazy things in the car, we singing together, laughing non stop, took so many picture, ect. Then after an hour, we arrived there and then we had lunch. After that we went to brightspot to looking for some clothes, we got into brightspot, omg it was really" hot and super crowded! the people just like 'cendol', sooooooooooo CROWDED! But jejen and i don't care how crowded it was, we turn around there and find some cute clothes then we buy it! we were very happy! :D we love shopping so much! Next, after we went out from brightspot, we went to Plaza Indonesia, we planned to watch a film but when we arrived there, there was no nice films :( suddenly jen's mom pick jejen up from PI cos they want to had dinner. On PI and EX we had no idea to do, then we went to seven eleven to buy slurpee and some food. From sevel, we went to the U cafe on tanjung duren but before that, we went to medit to pick toni tino up. Arrived at the U cafe, we ordered some drinks and played many games, the most interesting game is dart, first i can't played it hahaha but after i threw many times, i can! hahaha :p it was very interesting hehehe. On 10 o'clock my family pick me up from the U cafe and we got home. Today i was really exhausted but i was really HAPPY! Thank you so much guys! I do had so much FUN *again* today! :D:D
jejen :)

me! :)

jejen n bimo hahaha

it smells good!

dodut! :)

bimo! :p

my sissy :*

at the U cafe

hot cappuccino :9

sadis bimo! :p

tino sadis! :p

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