Thursday, July 28, 2011


♥ LOVE is like wind. We can't see it but we can feel it ♥

- a walk to remember -


Thursday, July 21, 2011

friendship ♥

13 years ago, from that time our friendship began and it will last forever :)

21st of July 2011


HAPPY . . .
         HAPPY . . .
                  HAPPY ALL THE TIME!


July! hmm.. My best friends came back to Jakarta for holiday! :D

Audrie Ismail, one of my best friend, actually she is like a sister for me, we have knew each other from 5th grade and we were so close! :) she has moved to Canada 2 years ago, she surprised me a lot! She said that she will come here on 10th July but on 8th July she suddenly appeared at my house! she suddenly open the door and i got shocked! i really really HAPPY until i can't describe my feeling and can't say anything! i'm so soo sooo happy until my tears fell down :'D that day we hang out together until night and we had lot af fun! the other day, we hang out with nathania astria who is one of my best friend too hihi ♥ :)

at nanny's pavillon cp :9

Nadia Tedjaseputra, one of my best friend too and also like my sister for me too :D she went to Melbourne, Australia, for study, she already been there for a year :) i'm so excited when i knew that she were going back to Jakarta even for holiday only :) we hang out together to hello kitty cafe and we had karaoke on happy puppy too! we had a lot of fun really! ♥ :)

hello kitty cafe!
Jennifer Pratiwi Holiyanto! she is really like a sister for me, she and i have been together since kinder garden ♥ she slept over at my house! we made mini cupcakes and it tasted so delicious! :9 we also watch dvd together until 2 am hahaha and not forget we also took so many pictures! hihi ♥

cupcakes :9

On 15th July, me and my friends made a surprise for Efsan Adhiputra :D 

Amanda Theola, she is one of my senior in smak4, i knew her from an organization, she and i were so closed bcos when i got problems i always tell her and she always supports me! then i became stronger and stronger bcos of her, thank you sister hihi :) she went to Singapore for study fashion design at Nafa and she has been there for a year. we hang out together to karaoke and we went to haunted house, it's so exciting! and we really enjoy that day together, we laughed a lot that day! hahaha ♥ :)

i do love my holiday! ♥

super long holiday! :)

long time no post bcos i'm too busy! hahaha!

okay, hmm.. too much activities in my holiday so i don't know where to start to tell you all :p

Start from June, on 16th until 23rd June, me and my fam went to Singapore and Malaysia. We went to Universal Studio at Sentosa, Singapore and had a lot of fun! Then we went shopping to many places. From Singapore we flew to Malaysia on 19th June to see my grandmother and my mom's family there and also for shopping! :D

Oh! i forgot something, before me and my fam went to Spore and Malay, on 14th June me and my friends went to JCC for Penabur graduation, so i'm officially graduated! yeayyyy! :D

marina sands :)

super yummy chicken wings! i really love it!

with mom's family and grandma :)

graduated! :D